Here I am, over a month in our RV and just now sharing pictures of the rest of the space. I already shared pictures of the kids room. Check it out
here if you haven't read it. We've made some changes to the kids room. We took their beanbags to storage, at least for the summer. In their place, we put our homeschool file box there. I thought I had a picture of it, but I'm not seeing one now. We got ours from Walmart. You can find it
here. We also put a fabric bin for hats and will be storing their backpacks there.
Below is a picture of our table. We use it for eating, school and extra seating when watching a show. The Hubs also works from this table most days. Under the bench seats, I'm storing my sewing machine, serger and a small amount of my sewing notions. We keep pul-ups and wipes under there as well and could probably fit a few more things. Under the other bench is more homeschool stuff, crafts, coloring books, and a few other misc. things. The table can also fold down into a bed if needed.
*Note: The lighting isn't great because we are under a tin roof. We haven't had as much sun as we usually would. The roof has seriously been a life saver since it's been monsoon season here in TX.
Here is the door to the kids room. On the wall beside their door we'll eventually be hanging our dry erase calendar above the ugly wallpaper strip. Below the wallpaper, we'll hang the kids chalkboard. Our now Shark vacuum is stored back there and The Hubs fan is living there for now. I may try to re-organize this area, but it's working for now.
Below is the couch area. This folds out to a bed. Doesn't seem very comfortable, but we probably won't ever use it anyway. There is also a picture of our entertainment center. Our homeschool stuff originally got put on the floor, then we moved it into the top cabinets and now we have relocated some of it to the kids room and some under the table benches. Now, we're storing printer paper, cords and some blankets up there.
We had a larger TV in this space, but swapped it out for a smaller TV and extra storage. Our DVD player and Roku live under the TV and the TV is mounted from the top of its cubbie. If you look closely, you can see one small family picture. It's currently hiding some cords. We'll work a little more on that space. On the shelf below the TV we have the printer and space for computers and tablets. The Hubs is building a shelf to set in there, so that everything has its own home. We're thinking about taking the stereo out and maybe adding more storage in that space. We have DVD's on the right and random items on the left. The left cabinet is only half a cabinet with the space cut off at a diagonal, so it isn't super useful.

Here's our kitchen area. We have lots of storage and we can also attach a table to the counter for extra storage. There is actually more storage than in our tiny kitchen in the house. I've successfully made cupcakes, and garlic knots in the oven! The fridge space has probably the biggest thing to adjust to, but we've fit a surprising amount of stuff. The fridge keeps everything cold and the freezer does an awesome job of keeping everything frozen.
Here's our tiny little bathroom. The towel shelf was there when we bought the RV and it's helped with storage. We have a folding stool for the boys to use when they need to use the potty and we brought our potty seat from the house. We'd like to get a different potty seat though. One that is easier to clean. I thought I would hate the tiny bathroom, but since only one person can fit at a time, I've actually had more privacy than in the house!
Here's our bedroom area. We're still working to get this all organized. For me as a mom, my personal space is the last area that gets tackled. We have most of our clothes under our bed and then we each have a small closet on our side of the bed. Mini Pooch has her bed on my side of the bed.
Here are some pictures of the shower and sink area. As you can see, it's really close to our bed. I was concerned that our bed would get gross from the sink and didn't want to use it, but the kids have been really careful not to make a mess and we only really use it for brushing in the morning and evening and an occasional hand washing. Otherwise we use the kitchen sink. There is a closet beside the shower where we can hang other clothes and jackets.
It doesn't all look pretty, but we've survived for over a month in our RV. We've constantly working to make everything more usable. We'd like to hang more pictures and decorate a little more. We've considered painting, but haven't decided one way or the other.
We're currently gearing up for our summer of travel, so we're trying to downsize a little bit more so we have extra space if we get things from Grandparents and Great Grandparents. Baby Boy will have a birthday while we're gone, so we'll be getting some presents for him.
I'm working on another post that will include pictures and information about some of the things we've been up to recently. Stay tuned for that post.