We've been having lots of fun! This post will be about the last week or so that we were in Texas.
When Little Man was 10 months old we found out we were pregnant with Baby Boy and I was nervous. They would be 18 months apart and I wasn't sure how I felt about them being so close together in age. Then Baby Boy was born 3 weeks early and they ended up being less than 18 months apart. They are the best of friends and love to play together. Below is a picture of them hugging and saying they love each other. I love it so much! It was a lot of work when they were little, but I love that they are close enough in age to be attracted to the same things! 
We read to the kids every night before bed. Sometimes we're each reading stories at the same time! Here's The Hubs reading to Little Man and Little Man petting Mini Pooch. One thing that I've noticed since being in the RV is that all the kids like to play with and snuggle the dogs more. They were always so distracted by everything else in the house. They pretty much ignored the dogs.Someone missed their name and ended up falling asleep on the couch and it was too cute to miss snapping a picture!
We've been attended Soma Church. It's a Saturday night church, so we were able to get up one morning and go for a walk at a near by park! We had lots for fun and The Hubs and I got a chance to each go for a run!
Before the recall on Blue Bell Ice Cream, they carried it at a few of the grocery stores in Colorado, but they never brought it back, so we were sad. We came back to E. Texas and were worried we wouldn't be able to get it in the larger containers, but luckily they sell it in smaller containers that we can fit in our tiny RV freezer! I am now in my happy place!
We went to the Brookshires Wildlife Museum and saw an incredible collection of taxidermy animals, and an old country store. They also had a gift shop and an amazing play area with a fire truck, tractor and train that the kids could climb on. The best part was that all the play structures were under big permanent tents so we were in the shade the whole time!
Afterward, we made a stop at Chick-fil-a for lunch and the kids got to play some more! We all slept well that night! Everyone was worn out!
Sweetie Girl LOVES America Ninja Warrior! She looks forward too it all year and literally spends the entire show this enthralled! She hopes that it is still on when she grows up so she can go on the show! She's been trying for the last few years to get Daddy to go on the show. He's talked about it, but hasn't done it yet.
We enjoy cooking and I was a little nervous how well things would turn out in our itty bitty oven. Besides needing to adjust the level of the rack, we've had pretty good success! Here are some garlic knots that I made for the kids! They were a big hit!
Some of the full timers here at the RV park started a community garden and it was right behind our site. The kids loved to go out and help. Below are a couple of pictures of them helping pick potatoes! They almost filled a 5 gallon bucket and got to keep some of the spoils! Seriously, my kids have never been so exited to eat potatoes! Can't wait to help more or plant our own garden!
The youngest kid at the RV park besides our 3 is 10 years old. They were given this little pool filled with clothes and since their youngest is 10 and a boy, they passed it on to us! The kids had a blast playing in it and it helped them stay cool on a hot day!
Attitudes have gotten better and I think we're settling in a little better. We're anticipating our trip to Michigan to visit family! Sweetie Girl was in Michigan during the summer when she was 1 but every other time we've been has been when it's cold and snowy. They boys have never been in the summer, so I'm really excited for them the experience Michigan in the summer! It truly is an amazing place to visit in the summer! You should all consider planning a vacation there! Will keep you updated on our travels!
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