While we were still in Michigan, we had decided it wasn't working out quite like we thought and as soon as The Hubs was able to find a job, we'd start looking for a rental house. Sweetie Girl just hasn't adjusted well to sharing a room with her brothers. She is an extrovert and loves being around people, but she also likes her alone time. She likes to go in her room and shut her door and play with her girlie toys and be by herself. She also has a number of toys that she doesn't want the boys playing with and it's been hard to keep them away from the boys in the RV. Her attitude has suffered from her lack of alone time.
We have a fairly decent size RV, but with 5 people and 2 dogs, it's not easy finding a place to yourself. I tried hanging a curtain in her bunk to allow her more privacy and we let her play at the foot of our bed, but there was never a place for her to be completely alone.
So we found a house to rent and have been waiting to get in. Friday that wait ended, we got the keys on Thursday afternoon and we started moving in on Friday! We're super excited! The bummer is that since we anticipated living in the RV for closer to a year, we sold all of our living room furniture, our bed frame, as well as our washer, dryer and fridge. We bought a fridge, washer and dryer and we're going to look at a couch and loveseat tonight.
I'm excited to have 1400+ square feet of space! Two bathrooms (this is a must with 2 boys!) with bathtubs. The kids and I have missed being able to take baths! The boys will still share a room, but Sweetie Girl will get her own room again! We'll have a garage and a fenced yard even though it's pretty small. I'm also pretty excited about a full size fridge, and our own washer and dryer again, oh and a dish washer, I'm definitely excited about a dish washer!
We also made a pretty tough decision. We decided to put Sweetie Girl into school. We've been homeschooling her for the past year and a half. Last Monday, they tested her to see what grade level she was at. Unfortunately, they only really tested her in reading which she hasn't been super interested in learning since we read to her all the time. She's totally been content to let us read to her. They suggested we put her in First Grade solely based on her reading skills. After stressing and worrying over it, we decided to go ahead an put her in First Grade. We originally wanted her to go into Second Grade no matter what, but I was really stressing about the whole thing and I just prayed that God would help me know where she needed to be. I was no longer as worried and I switched to preferring for her to be in First because that's where I thought she would thrive the most.
I was pretty worried about telling her and although she was upset at first, I think she's ok with it. Thursday night we went to Meet the Teacher night and she started her first day this morning! It's going to be quite the change for us. I've loved having her home, but I think it's going to do wonders for her relationships with the boys! I'm sad and excited all at the same time! It'll give her the chance to make new friends and the great thing is, we'll only be a half a mile from the school. She's pretty excited that we'll get to walk her to and from school.
Below is a picture of our house!
And here is a picture of Sweetie Girl this morning before school!
I'll update with more pictures as we get settled. We're really excited to have more space. I need to get use to not knowing where everyone is at all times!
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